The United Methodist Church (UMC) is being drained of life by two things that have long been its strengths: theological diversity and institutional connection. Since its earliest days, Methodism has made decisions through delegated bodies, and the General Conference (GC) is the sole entity that can set policy and speak for the UMC. This process…
UMC Fracture
The last three posts have looked at the breakdown of society in this time of historic social change. They have focused on US politics, but I return now to The United Methodist Church (UMC), whose continued fracture over LGBTQ inclusion offers a perfect illustration of this moment of change. The UMC recently announced that its…
Dangers of Propaganda, Part 2: The Believers
In this second post about the role of propaganda in the recent election, we look at the millions of Trump supporters who believe his claims that the election was rigged. In trying to understand how a large swath of American voters could believe such a specious claim, we make the mistake of assuming there is…
The Dangers of Propaganda, Part 1: The Liars
When the dust of the 2020 election settled, Republicans were so stunned by Biden’s victory that more than half believed Donald Trump’s lies about a rigged election. Even while savoring victory, Democrats were stunned that 74 million people had voted for Trump, 10 million more than in 2016. The election results and the polarized responses…
The Times They Are a-Changin’
My interest in social change dates to a seminary lecture by homiletics professor David Buttrick at Vanderbilt Divinity School in 1998. I have always been a big picture thinker, and Prof. Buttrick literally drew a map that has shaped how I see that “big picture” ever since. The class was Theology of Proclamation and Worship,…
A Lost Cause?
This week we witnessed the actions of desperate people: a narcissistic president who cannot accept the reality that he lost election to a second term, and the violent mob he incited to storm our nation’s capitol in an attempt to disrupt the democratic process. These actions are the culmination of a dangerous ideology privileging white…
And on Earth Peace
Christmas reminds us again just how fractured the Christian community is. While many Christians fall somewhere in the middle, there are opposite factions pulling the church in different directions, and they see and celebrate Christmas differently. The most visible form of Christianity in the US is comfortable with empire and sees American democracy and free-market…
Public Disservice
What do we usually call someone who lies, brags, belittles others, name calls, and, when they do not get their way, accuses others of cheating? Most of the time we would call them a spoiled brat. In the US, we call him Mr. President. Donald Trump entered office by showing us what a poor winner…
Hope in the Midst of Chaos
We are living in chaotic times. The novel coronavirus has upended life around the world and brought on the worst economic conditions in decades. The US government has not only failed to provide leadership in controlling the virus, but seems determined to make it worse. Additionally, the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud…
We Are All Racists
Racist is an ugly label. Those accused of racial discrimination often defend themselves by saying, “I am not a racist!” We’ve heard people ranging from Pres. Donald Trump to celebrity chef Paula Deen make that claim, most recently Amy Cooper, after she called 911 about an “African American man” she encountered in Central Park, who…